Zeiss appoints Jim Mazzo as global president of ophthalmology

Zeiss appoints Jim Mazzo as global president of ophthalmology

News in ophthalmology : Zeiss appoints Jim Mazzo as global president of ophthalmology

Carl Zeiss Meditec appointed James V. Mazzo as global president of ophthalmology, according to a company press release.

In this role, Mazzo will be responsible for leading the new strategic business unit of ophthalmology and the company’s U.S. sales and service center. 

James V. Mazzo 
James V. Mazzo

Mazzo has more than 35 years of ophthalmic business experience, leading companies such as Allergan, Abbott Medical Optics, AcuFocus and Neurotech. 

“[Zeiss] has been an innovative leader in the industry for over 100 years,” Mazzo said in the release. “I look forward to continuing this excellence and building Zeiss into the premier ophthalmic franchise.”

In a separate press release, AcuFocus announced Alan Waterhouse has been appointed president and chief operating officer and William Link, PhD, has been named chairman of the board to replace Mazzo as chairman and CEO, effective Aug. 1. 

In addition, Waterhouse will take a seat on the board of directors. 

“Jim did an exceptional job transforming AcuFocus from a start-up into a high-performing operational company,” Link said in the AcuFocus release. “The executive team and board alike remain focused and committed to driving the organization forward and building upon the success achieved.

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